The Remedy

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Collin walked into my office in so much discomfort!  Despite never having a history of rashes or any skin conditions he was covered head to toe in a very itchy rash.  He couldn’t sleep, he could not get comfortable and the only thing that helped was “jock itch” spray. I felt for the guy.

Collin had a few other problems too.  But until he was absolutely miserable… addressing his obesity, sugar addiction and gallbladder attacks just did not seem like a priority.  

As a 43 year old man… living in the Bay Area with 2 young children and a wife… Collin has all the stress.

Collin managed his stress with fast food, candy and alcohol. He would then go on health kicks to try to gain control and please his wife. A true sugar addict. Ultimately always landing back in the same position: tired, with stomach issues, overweight, moody and dependent on sugar and alcohol to feel better.  

One of the first things we did was identify just a few trigger foods to remove from his diet.  This was not a diet overhaul…just a slight adjustment. I did not tell him he could not drink or that he had to starve.  Just to avoid a handful of foods.  

The rash was clearly fungal in nature.   Fungal rashes love sugar!!!! Anything fungal loves sugar and will even hijack your brain to get it.  Collin needed to starve the fungus….needless to say he was asked to remove sugar.

We also added an anti-fungal wash and lotion system that contained monolaurin… a powerful anti-microbial.  

I started Lauricidin, Okra Pepsin and digestive enzymes to begin clearing his gut. 


Collin walked into my office 80% free of his rash and down 10 pounds!  He was shocked at how fast it had all worked.

We continued with the food elimination, the wash and digestive support.

This time gave him an Advanced Allergy Therapeutics treatment.


Collin was feeling even better.  His energy was better, his desire for sweets had curbed and he had lost another 5 pounds.  The rash was 95% gone. Collin was so happy :)

But better than that was the light in Collins eyes.  He seemed proud of himself and engaged in the process.  He was eager to learn more.  

Results often inspire more action.


  • The itchy miserable rash was gone

  • Collin was down 20#!  

  • Collin looked and felt great

  • No gallbladder attacks

  • Cravings manageable… he even went on vacation… and stayed on plan.

Collin was feeling pretty good…. “People are starting to notice and my wife says I am fun again!” He said while laughing.

At one point in the process Collin consumed a bit of sugar...the rash reappeared and the discomfort was yet another reminder…. Not worth it.

At this visit we added some foods back to his diet and continued with digestive support.


Continuing to do well: Rash free, lighter, better digestion, more energy...

Collin was ready for the next level and joined our 21 Day Spring Clean program.  

Results drive motivation!  I can’t wait to see where Collin lands after the 21 days :)

This process is NOT atypical.  We see cases regularly where small changes to the diet and healing the gut makes all the difference.    If Collin’s story reminds you of yourself or someone you know… please contact us as we would love to help you live with a lot less suffering and more time for adventure and joy.   We offer 15 minute free consults with one of our functional practitioners.

*All identifying factors have been changed to support the patient’s privacy.