The Remedy

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Andrea’s Immunity Soup

Sorry guys... I do not do exact measurements in my soups.... 

Saute onions and lots of garlic (as much as you can tolerate) in Ghee or Butter.

Add whatever other veggies you have around... celery, carrots, zucchini... whatever. Sauté those for a bit, maybe 3 minutes.

Chop up a couple of chicken breasts and sauté them around too.

Add 4 cups of bone broth or more... just fill up the pot to what seems right. I love They are local to the bay area area and the owner is our very own Functional Nutritionist! You can not go wrong.  So good. 

If you can not get there's any bone broth will work or you can make your own very easily...


Add tons of shiitake mushrooms, the more the merrier.I mean the whole carton or more!   Don’t be afraid... and if you chop them up real small, kids have no idea. Can’t find shiitakes... use another type of mushroom.  Ideally any kind, as long as it is organic.

Add in some herbs... I love parsley in this soup. Parsley is super good for healing during a virus. Again I just chop up a bunch and add at the end. Culinary herbs have been used extensively to fight infections.

Simmer for 30 min or so....

*Not clinical but I have used this soup SO MANY times to beat a virus. 

-Andrea Telfer-Karbo