Foundation series
Human Nutrition: You don’t have to be SAD
with Lauren
Thank you for joining us! We strongly believe that healthy and vibrant communities are one of the most valuable paths to a healthier and happier planet. In committing to your health… you are committing to being an active part of your community, decreasing financial burdens on our society and most importantly to bringing more joy to this planet. Thank you for being here and taking this journey.
Be Well!
Lauren Gauthier, MS
Functional & Integrative Nutritionist, Herbalist
Welcome friends!
What’s this class about?
Chronic illness is at an all time high.
The economic burden of just heart disease is 216 billion per year! And 327 billion per year for diabetes. Not to mention 600,000 lives lost to heart attack and stroke + 34 million living with diabetes. During this time the food guide pyramid was established and wreaked havoc on our health system.
Most of these illnesses can be mitigated by simple diet and lifestyle strategies.
As community members, being as healthy as we can impacts our public health financially and logistically, makes us more available to serve others in our community and changes systems as we demand change within ourselves.
On a personal level changing your lifestyle allows more room for quality life, more joy and less stress in your body and mind. More time to play with loved ones, explore our communities and just feel good. There is no downside to making your health a priority. And we would argue that this is your first step in changing the world.
In this 1 hour course you will learn how to make yourself less susceptible to disease and live a more vibrant life with some simple nutrition principles.
NOT A DIET. We will throw out the food guide pyramid and replace it with a simple process that reorders the pyramid and uses your plate as a reference. These principles can be taken with you on a daily basis and show up wherever you are.
There are no “off limits” foods. Just a simple strategy for caring for yourself through the food you already eat :)

overview of topics
Making a grateful plate
Why ancestral nutrition is important
Swaps and upgrades
Food quality matters
Hand out - grateful plate, swaps and upgrades hand out
Sample food plan + guide
learn about food
How to "eyeball" your plate for a balanced diet
The 3 most important elements for your plate
Food swaps and upgrades that make a huge impact
Why food quality matters and how to afford high quality food
Protein, fiber and fat needs
Daily Superfoods
Resources and Links
After you’ve completed the course:
Clean 15: Dirty Dozen (EWG website)
Explore the Presentation
Click through the slides below

Watch the Zoom Session
This session has already been live but please watch and enjoy the video of the call with Lauren.
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Questions about Membership?
Call us now at (925)446-1861