The Remedy

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Most people are controlled by sugar instead of enjoying it on their terms.

Sugar cravings can be fierce and completely uncontrollable. It is highly unlikely that it is your lack of willpower or discipline that can’t get it under control.

Sugar cravings are a sign of a physiological imbalance. It’s not your fault that you can’t stop thinking about all that chocolate in your cupboard or the cookies on the counter.

1. Elevated stress responses that increase cortisol in the body.
Cortisol tells glucose to rush into the blood stream so that immediate available fuel will be there. Activities that reduce stress like yoga, journaling and meditation help keep cortisol low and sugar crashes at bay. EFT or Tapping is another quick and easy way to drop cortisol in half.

2. Dysbiosis!
When your gut flora (helper microbes in your gut) are not as friendly as they should be …you can get intense cravings. Yeast infections in the gut cause very intense cravings. Doing a thorough GI evaluation with a Functional Medicine practitioner can really help. If yeast is identified... getting rid of this little bugger can completely resolve cravings.

3. Unmet needs!
Sometimes we are not actually craving food, but have emotional hunger. Pausing to assess this is incredibly important. What might feel like a hankering for pie is really just that you miss your grandmother. What might feel like an insatiable need for skittles might mean you need a break or rest. What might feel like death if you don’t have chocolate could really mean you are looking for more depth and richness in life. Figuring out what your true needs are is important.

4. Nutrient deficiencies!
You body might not have enough of the good stuff to tell it to stop eating. The most common deficiencies I see in my practice are water, magnesium, coQ10, B12 and vitamin D. A simple blood test covered by most insurances is available here at The Remedy. Or working with a seasoned nutritionist can help as it is often easy to identify these deficiencies by history and physical.

5. Not enough fat.
If you do not have adequate levels of fat in the diet you will most likely feel hungry, tired and like you need something quick. Make sure your meals are balanced and full of what your body needs. At the first sign of a craving...have a protein and fat snack. Massive dips in blood sugar from an inadequate meal will cause indestructible sugar cravings.

6. Lack of Sleep

If you are struggling with sleep. Not getting enough sleep…the body will try to find energy another way. Lack of sleep is highly associated with sugar cravings. Need help with sleep… could be a hormone imbalance. Work with our hormone experts to get your sleep back!

Just remember your physiology is driving your sugar cravings. You are not a bad person for liking or even feeling like you need sugar. Your body is out of balance. Lets us help you!