5 r gut reset guide
If you are reading this blog post it is probably no mystery to you that gut health is all the rage!
Not only in health influencer accounts and podcasts, but also in science journals!
The research on the vast and far reaching effects of your gut ecosystem is confirming over and over again it's importance in almost every aspect of your health.
From your hormone balance to stress tolerance, from immune function to nutrient absorption... your gut is everywhere in your body.
After being in the functional medicine field for well over a decade... I know one thing to be true:
Get gut health right... and so much falls into place!
The trick is resetting your gut in the proper order.
Here are the 5 main steps.
1. Remove
In this step we are taking out all triggers and stressors. For lack of a better term... we are removing the tacks in the system. This can include foods, microbes, toxins, emotions, beliefs.
2. Replace
In this step we are replacing what has been lost in the ecosystem due to stress, decreased ability to assimilate or damage from the stressor. This usually looks like increasing nutrients and enzyme activity.
3. Reinoculate
In this third step we are bringing back what may have been lost. This step primarily refers to encouraging healthy microbial growth. In this phase I also like to think about reinoculating joy and a positive mindset back into the system. Gut health is also brain health.
4. Repair
During this fourth phase we bring in elements that can repair the inflamed and damaged tissue in the gut. Things like collagen, bone broth, L-Glutamine, Marshmallow, aloe and key nutrients can help us to regain gut integrity. In this step the body starts to really orchestrate and come together.
5. Rebalance
In this fifth and final state we start the process of reintroducing foods and finding sustainable maintenance. We use the last four steps to inform our decisions about what health looks like to us. This stage is extremely personal and usually results in lasting lifestyle change.
Get a FREE roadmap to this process HERE!
Or consider joining the Total Gut Reset. This is the exact process I take all my patients through! And it has been proven to work in 1000s of my patients and students.