As we continue on this journey through our six immune pillars. We arrive at pillar number 3 and it’s all about STRESS.
Chronic stress is associated with decreases in your body’s ability to fight invaders and to protect you from them in the future.
Some stress is actually a good thing. Transient stresses throughout the day can be protective and build good tone and resilience in the body. Normal stress is the fluctuation of information and action to keep alive, well and healthy.
Chronic stress occurs when a perceived threat becomes unrelenting and the body must switch from a temporary stress response to a long term biochemical process that overtime significantly wears down the body….especially the immune system. Sound like 2020?
And while stress CAN be a real physical or emotional threat it is most commonly a disconnect in our perception; a loss of trust in the universe and ourselves. Cultivating that trust again requires us to actually feel safe in our body, mind and spirit even if just for the moment.
My solution to stress management is both science based and also works to help you feel safe and trust your body.
Here are my top 7:
1. Get out in Nature!
You guys might be sick of me saying this over and over again, but science and common sense couldn’t be louder. I believe the fastest way out of stress is into the woods, up a mountain or out to the beach. It can be the fastest way to reconnect to yourself and gain trust in the world again. In addition, science is pretty clear that time in a forest (shinrin-yoku) can reduce your chronic stress hormone, cortisol, by approximately 40% (conservatively). That is amazing! You don’t need a grove of oaks or crashing waves to reap these benefits. Grow plants in your home, go to a local park and sit under a tree, pick a flower and just stare at its detail.
2. Media Fast
Maybe this is bad timing to recommend. Maybe you feel you need to know what is going on… to stay informed and active. But I can assure you… It will all be there for you when you return. And the only thing different will be you. There was a period of time in my early twenties I was struggling with panic attacks. I did lots of things to heal, but one of the most profound was completely turning off the TV. Back then we didn’t have handheld TVs loaded with moment by moment news flashes. I recommend a whole week, but you can start with 24 hours. If leaving the world behind is too much… Pick up a local newspaper.
3. EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique
Better known as tapping. This is my absolute favorite way to decrease the stress response fast and in the moment. There are over 100 studies on its effectiveness. It has the power to cut cortisol nearly in half and has been huge for my patients and myself. Learn how HERE.
4. Blood Sugar Balance
Basically, if you are allowing your blood sugar to crash by not eating regularly, fasting too long or eating high sugar foods… you are also relying on the stress hormone cortisol to maintain glucose in your bloodstream. During stressful periods be sure to get good nutrition, balanced meals, and eat regularly. But what about all the rage with intermittent fasting? Fasting can be a very useful tool if your body is not in a state of chronic stress. Eat when your body is hungry. Do not skip meals in the name of health if your body is telling you it needs foods. Our functional nutritionist constantly reminds us about blood sugar balance to balance hormones and everything else.
5. Play
Adults always forget to play. The definition of play per google is to engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose. There is actually a national institute for play! http://www.nifplay.org/science/overview/ You can peruse this website and find all the reasons you should play. Or you could just do it because it’s fun and reduces stress :)
6. Body Work
Nothing rebalances the body faster than human touch. Especially from a human that knows how to heal. Whether it be massage, chiropractic, acupuncture or a back scratch from a friend, stress drops drastically when the body is touched lovingly and/or with hands that know how to realign both the energy and physicality of your body. Here at The Remedy we are huge fans of Dr. Intal, our acupuncturist. He works every Sunday to bring our local community back to balance.
7. Magnesium
Oh the magic of magnesium! This mineral is vastly deficient in our diets due to soil depletion, but that’s a topic for another time. If you want some deep sleep, relaxed muscles, a healthier heart magnesium is your best friend. I recommend magnesium chelate and we sell it in our Stress Busting Pack. However, other ways to get more magnesium include… my favorite… epsom salt bath (don’t forget to add lavender) and pumpkin seeds.
Stress is the fastest way to deplete your immune system and leave your body vulnerable to infection… I mean 2020!
You do not have to do all 7 of these things! Just pick 1 and start there. And if you pick just 1… pick #1.
No matter where you are or who you are regularly engaging in ways to decrease the physiologic response to stress is imperative for staying well this winter.